In the name of God Amen, the sixth day of May in the year of our Lord God 1594, I John Cobb of Northington of the diocese of Winchester, weak of body but perfect of memory, make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
First I bequeath my soul unto almighty God trusting to be saved by the death and passion of Christ my saviour /And my body to the ground and to be buried in the church yard of Northington in sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life at the day of judgement by the mighty power of God.
And as touching the disposition of my worldly goods / First I give and bequeath to the Cathedral church in Winchester 6d.
Item I give to the church of Northington 6d.
Item I give and bequeath to the poor of Northington 12d.
Item I give and bequeath to my son in law, John Goldruck, my gown and to his wife one pair of sheets.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Cobb, my joined table, my cupboard standing in my hall and one great chest and my house standing in Northington.
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my wife, my house and lands lying in Swarraton during her natural life and after her decease to my son, Thomas Cobb. The rest of my goods unbequeathed, moveable and unmoveable, my debts and all things discharged I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my wife and to my son Thomas Cobb / who I make my executors of this my last Will and Testament. Also I appoint Mr. Michael Cobb, my brother, and John Goldruck the overseers hereof trusting that they will see it done truly and faithfully.
DEBTSDebts the which the testator confesseth that he owed at the making hereof :
To my brother Mr. Michael Cobb fifty shillings And for rent of my house of Swarraton 13s 4d And also for 3 bushells of wheat 10s
Also to John Smyth of Swarraton 4s 4d
And to Harry Bud of Old Alresford for ??? of four or 5 loads of wood
Debts owing to the said testator as he confessed :
One obligation of £22 in the hand of Mr. Hardie of Southampton of John Kytch & John Dean?
And one bill of George Pawlet Esquire of £12 2s
Also one bond of £7 of John Stephens of Weston which I leave in the hands of my executors
Also one bill of £11 which my son in law John Goldruck oweth me and he oweth me more ? for 2 kine and 2 oxen £7 10s
Also my brother Mr. Michael (Cobb) oweth me for all the glass of the new house and for 2 harrows, one pair of plough wheels, with a spindle, one pair of stalles? & an iron beam, one old furnace, one old vat of a quarter, one bottle of a gallon, one garden rake.
William Kesthill the elder oweth me for a new mattock.
John Applegate of ?apley oweth me 10s which he ??? for wood.
Witness hereof John Goldruck and Stephen Cook, Clerk.