
23 Jan 1892 - 4 May 1988

Father: Alfred James HUMPHRIES
Mother: Hannah Mary KALEY

Family 1 : Thomas Howell THOMAS
  1.  Gwyn THOMAS
  2.  Howell Evan THOMAS
  3. +Evelyn May THOMAS
  4.  Living - details withheld

                           _James HUMPHRIES ____________+
                          | (1828 - 1891) m 1851        
 _Alfred James HUMPHRIES _|
| (1852 - 1901) m 1870    |
|                         |_Sarah SPREDBURY ____________+
|                           (1834 - ....) m 1851        
|--Elizabeth HUMPHRIES 
|  (1892 - 1988)
|                          _Thomas KALEY _______________+
|                         | (1815 - ....) m 1852        
|_Hannah Mary KALEY ______|
  (1852 - 1907) m 1870    |
                          |_Sarah Elizabeth SUMMERHAYS _+
                            (1836 - 1875) m 1852        


[2607] Elizabeth was a "Barnado child" and was shipped to Canada in 1903 along with her sister Maud. They departed on 15th July 1903 on board the Dominion and arrived in Quebec on 24th July.

Highlight notes copied from the Barnardo Home administrators (received from Carol Collins, wife of Gary Collins, my 2nd cousin).

Elizabeth Humphries Thomas - b. Jan 23, 1892 Fulham, London, England -

July 24. 1903 - travelled from Liverpool to Quebec on the Dominion.

Feb 25, 1904 - Maud died of a flu (grippe) while in the care of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Denys, Whitby Ontario, a high school teacher. Elizabeth was placed in the care of Dr.W. W. Meacham, Warsaw Village.

July 1905 - Sister Mrs. J. Sinclair, living at 645 Somerset Street, Ottawa, wants the girl in Ottawa. Received a letter from Mrs. Sinclair asking permission to take and maintain the girl. Letter sent to Mrs. Sinclair stating that they did not have the authority to transfer the girl without Dr. Bernardo's permission.(Mrs. Florence Sinclair received this permission, but the home talked Lizzie out of moving there.)

Aug. 18, 1905 - Dr. Meacham has died and his daughter Mrs. Denys took Lizzie.

Nov. 4, 1905 - A Mrs. Lloyd made an official visit to sister, Mrs. Sinclair and found that they live in a small house shared by several other families andwould not be at all a suitable home for Lizzie. A letter was sent to Mrs. Denys explaining why the girl cannot go to Mrs. Sinclair's.

June 1907 - The girl visited her married sister in Ottawa and enjoyed the outing very much.

Nov. 1908 - The girl has a magnificent voice. Her cousin, Mr. Herbert Carey (son of Elizabeth Kaley, Hannah Mary's sister) in Toronto, has always taken a great interest in the girl. He went to England this summer to be married and is anxious that the girl spend the winter with them. He can easily afford to have her and she would be great company for his wife. He runs a restaurant at 129 � Church Street, Toronto.( Aug. 3, 1909 - girl writes giving her address as 203 Dalhousie Street, Toronto.Canada 1911 census - Herbert Carey 26 Clara Herbert 24, son Herbert 6 and William 9. Elizabeth Humphries 20 living with them at 133 Church Street Toronto, Ontario.

See also http://www.mayhum.net/humphries_family_Canada.htm

[2598] birth:GRO ref. Mar Qtr 1a 364 Chelsea

[2600] [S-S534] Census(Canada)

[2601] [S-S159] Census

[2602] [S-S524] Ships Passenger List

[2603] [S-S009] Family knowledge

[2604] [S-S532] Record

[2605] [S-S534] Census(Canada)

[2606] [S-S537] Obituary

[2597] [S-S113] Index

[2599] [S-S537] Obituary

[6271] [S-S009] Family knowledge


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